Please Read Before Scheduling an Appointment
- Auto accident and Workers Comp patients must call our Service Center at (813) 684-2663 to schedule an appointment.
- For patients with legal representation, please call (727) 202-1290 to schedule an appointment.
- Insurance information must be provided, if we are unable to verify eligibility prior to your appointment the visit will be cancelled.
- Please check your email for appointment notification and Patient Portal account set up.
Please call our Service Center at (813) 684-2663 for any questions.
Be sure to bring your insurance card, driver’s license or identification card, referral and any X-rays, MRIs or other test results that may have been ordered, or performed, by another physician. Please bring imaging reports and films/CD because these are not sent by outside physicians.
The offices & scheduling departments are closed on weekends. If you have an emergency, please call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room.