Physical Therapy
During the first two weeks after surgery, we will ask you to complete a series of home exercises to improve pain and swelling to the shoulder. Roughly 2-3 weeks after your procedure, you will attend outpatient physical therapy to advance these exercises.
The Importance Of Attending OMGPT
Orthopaedic Medical Group offers physical therapy services in three locations. The teamwise approach we use in the office extends to our physical therapists. This means your surgeon can easily keep up with your progress after surgery and individualize your treatment plan to ensure the fastest recovery.
Bracing After Surgery
Your arm will be placed in a kahuna shoulder brace after your surgery. The brace will be worn for a total of 4-6 weeks after surgery.

- Remove your brace to shower/for hygiene purposes.
- Remove your brace when changing clothes.
- Remove your brace to perform postoperative home exercises.
- Sleep in your brace
- Don’t drive while in your brace for the first 2 weeks after surgery.
- Adjust/change strap lengths after surgery